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Body Surface Area (BSA)

The Body Surface Area (BSA) is a method for estimating the area of the human body based on height and weight.
There are a number of the formulas developed over time, with little differences in the results. The two most frequently used are: Mosteller and Du Bois. However, since the calculation results of all the formulas are very close, the Mosteller formula is simpler to calculate.
Mosteller formula: BSA = √ (height x weight) / 3600).
According to studies, the BSA is considered normal: 1.6 m2 to 1.9 m2 for women and men.
The average BSA is 1.72 m2; however, taking into account other factors, we have other average indicators.
Adult men: 1.9 m2;
Adult women: 1.6 m2;
Children (9 years): 1.07 m2;
Children (10 years): 1.14 m2;
Children (12-13 years): 1.33 m2.
The calculation of the body surface area is widely used in medicine, for example, intravenous drug dosages, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and cardiac index, determination of burned body area.
It is understandable that the higher surface of the body, the greater the volume. It is desirable, however, a volume of the body, with larger muscle mass, and small fat.
How to calculate the BSA.

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